Thursday, October 17 @4pm
This event is for all ages. Students are especially welcome.
Please come, and please tell friends and strangers. Everyone is invited. Bring fossils to show to others, or to ask about. Or just come and see what others bring — MINGLE!
Presenters who will display materials and share knowledge include geological oceanographer Dr. Maurice Tivey of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI); educators Betsy Dripps and Kendra Buresch of The Polly Hill Arboretum; Dr. Ann McNichol, senior research specialist at the National Ocean Sciences radiocarbon dating facility at WHOI; paleontologist Jessica Cundiff and zoologists Joe Martinez, Erich Dieffenbach, and Scott Smyers of the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology; undersea divers and collectors Heidi Raihofer and Joe Leonardo; tenth and eighth grade collectors Jacob and Sam Gurney; archaeologist, author, and collector Bill Moody; marine ecologist Wendy Culbert, ornithologist Robert Culbert, student Anne Culbert; paleobiologist Fred Hotchkiss, and others.
National Fossil Day at the Oak Bluffs Library is partially supported by a grant from the Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.