Anime Club
Get together, meet new people and watch anime! Snacks and bubble tea available while supplies last. Upstairs in the Conference Room. Anime selection will be for teens 12 - 18.
Anime Club
Get together, meet new people and watch anime! Snacks and bubble tea available while supplies last. Upstairs in the Conference Room. Anime selection will be for teens 12 - 18.
Lew French Book Talk – Sticks and Stones
Lew French is a master stonemason who finds and gathers hundreds of individual stones to create a single fireplace or an outdoor stone wall that looks like it had been there for hundreds of years. Rather than use a chisel, his stones have to fit together naturally; he remembers and fits them together in his … Read More
Curbside Crafts
Pick up the ingredients to make a playful craft.
Storytime on the Beach
Join us for energetic, song-filled storytimes! Suggested for Ages 1.5- 5Eastville Point Beach facing the Vineyard Sound
Friends of Oak Bluffs
For more information, contact Duncan Ross at 508-693-0541
Henna for Teens & Adults
Learn the basics: What is it? How is it made? Each participant receives a henna design. For Teens (12+) and Adults. Pre-registration required. Call 508-693-9433 or email to register.
Library Friends of Oak Bluffs Steering Committee meets at 2pm on the first Wednesday of each month to plan and carry out LFOB projects. We invite you to drop us a line, give us a call, or stop by one of our meetings (1st Wednesday of the month). Contact "Library Friends of Oak Bluffs" orLibrary Friends of Oak … Read More
Broadway Dance Through the Ages with Hallie Brevetti
An accessible dance class with a short warm-up, a brief history of the musical of the day, and a fun piece of choreography in the style of the show. Think of it as a workout class for musical theatre nerds! Available to all body abilities.
Online Poetry Workshop Poetry Drop-in classes: where we read and discuss two or more poems, then use those poems as models for in-class writing exercises (which are then read out loud but that is optional). Artists have their life drawing classes—why can’t writers have a similar kind of thing? Poetry Drop In is geared for everyone, beginners and … Read More