CLAMS libraries will introduce automatic renewals beginning Tuesday, November 12th (in time for the Holidays!)

Automatic Renewals: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is an automatic renewal (auto-renewal)?
Most items checked out from the Library will renew automatically on your account. Three days before items are due, our system will check your account for eligible items and renew them. The loan periods will extend from the original due dates.
Which items automatically renew?
Most physical items borrowed (Books, DVDs, Blu-Rays, Audiobooks, Music CDs) are eligible for up to 3 auto-renewals.
Which items do not automatically renew?
The following are examples of material not eligible for automatic renewal:
- Items another patron has requested (items on hold)
- Items that have reached their renewal limit (3)
- Items borrowed from outside the CLAMS network of libraries (Comcat, Inter library loans)
- Express and Rental items
- Museum passes
- Library of Things
- Other “non-traditional” items
- Digital material (ebooks, eaudios, emagazines)
Are there other situations where an item will not auto renew?
- Your account is blocked due to billed items or fines of $25 or more
- Your account has expired
If an item did not auto-renew and I don’t return it on time, are there still fines?
Yes. Items are still subject to late fees/fines (and replacement costs). The patron is responsible for these charges.
Can I opt out of auto-renewal?
This is not currently possible. But patrons are always welcome to return items before the due date.
How am I notified when an item auto-renews?
If you have a current email address in your patron record, you will continue to receive a Courtesy notice 3 days before the item is due to be returned. The notice will list titles with an extended due date if your items were renewed. The new due date is calculated from the original (1st renewal) or previous due date, not from the date of renewal. The original due date will appear next to items that could not be renewed.
What if I don’t have an email address or have not provided it to the library?
Eligible items will auto renew. Check your account online to view new due dates and items that could not be renewed.
What if I’m not receiving email notifications?
Be sure you’ve provided a valid email address. Please call us at (508) 693-9433 or visit us to confirm the email address.
Do I have to manually renew items in my account?
No – it is not necessary now. Automatic Renewal does the work for you!
I use the Shoutbomb texting service. Will my text notice change?
Yes. Patrons will no longer get renew notices,
however, you will get notices for items that are not eligible for renewal.
Text MYBOOKS to the Shoutbomb number (508-543-1253) to see extended due
dates on auto renewed items.
More Information on Renewing Library Items
If you don’t find what you need using the information above, please
call us at (508) 693-9433 for more information.