Salsa Suelta Cubana with Christina Montoya
Thursdays⋅9:30 – 11:00am. Please use lower entrance. Salsa Suelta Cubana is a form of Salsa dancing from Cuba that is danced without a partner. Often…

Pilates Fusion with Maria Trice
Pilates Fusion with Maria Trice. Tuesdays⋅1:30 – 2:30pm. Stretching, toning, and core stabilization, everything you LOVE about Pilates with a little challenge. A fun, effective…

Adult Summer Reading
Pick up your bookmark at the Circulation Desk today!

Music Concert: The Convertibles
Saturday, June 22⋅6:30 – 8:00pm “The Convertibles”, a Martha’s Vineyard based band, are excited to kick off the summer with a concert at the Oak…

Art Party: Wine Cork Succulents
Thursday, June 20⋅6:00 – 7:30pm Description:Succulents! Corks! Magnets? In this session of Learn with Us, we’ll be decorating wine corks and turning them into magnetic…

Juneteenth Celebration
Wednesday, June 19⋅11:00am – 2:00pm Various events throughout the day commemorating the end of slavery and celebrating African American freedom. This day is time for…

MVICW Summer Reading
The Oak Bluffs Library Presents: The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing’s 10th Anniversary Summer Readings Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Non-Fiction readings from award-winning authors…

Summer Reading Kick-Off Party
Tuesday, June 18th 12:30 to 2:30pm, join us for our annual summer reading kick-off party and enjoy ice cream from Ben and Bill’s. Families and…

LFOB Book Drive
Your book donations help support the Library Friends, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All book donations are tax deductible (form available on request). Books and materials…

MV Vegan Society Healthy Foods Giveaway
Friday, June 14⋅3:00 – 5:00pm The Martha’s Vineyard Vegan Society Outreach Program was created to improve and increase the variety of foods available to the…