Reserve a Meeting Room

The Library has two spaces open for reservations (the Meeting Room and the Conference Room.) Room reservations can be made by filling out a room reservation application online. Forms are also available in the library. For questions, contact Director, Allyson Malik at 508-693-9433 ext. 403 or by email:

Oak Bluffs Library Meeting/Conference Room Policy Statement

In support of the library’s goals and mission statement, the purpose of the Oak Bluffs Library’s meeting and conference room is to provide a place for events which are intended in enrich lives and encourage education.

Use will be granted to qualified official and community groups and individuals for civic, educational, and cultural meetings and events in accordance with the Facilities Use Policy. Meetings must be open to all members of the general public without charge.

Meeting Room

Meeting Room with tables set up for book sale
Meeting room filled with attendees to a library program
Fiction writing workshop in Meeting Room

Room description: The Meeting Room is on the lower level of the Oak Bluffs Public Library. The meeting room dimensions are 33’9″ by 25’7″. There are 62 chairs and 6 tables.  Note that maximum capacity is 68 people (including presenters).

Amenities: The Meeting Room has the following for public use:

  • Projector with VGA or HDMI hookups
  • Projector screen
  • White board
  • Sound system
  • Microphones
  • Podium

Access: There is an elevator available. The parking lot is behind the library, with access via a driveway off School Street.

Conference Room

Room description: The Oak Bluffs Public Library Historical Room is on the upper level of the Oak Bluffs Public Library. Note that there are 12 chairs and a maximum capacity of 16 people (including presenters).

Amenities: The Conference Room has the following for public use:

  • Big screen TV on portable cart (with HDMI cord attached)
  • Drop-down projector screen
  • White board
  • Conference table with electrical outlets

Regular library service must take precedence over all other activities and the use of the meeting space must not interfere with the operation of the Library. The room houses the library’s historical collection in a locked case, and staff may need access to it while a meeting is taking place.

Meeting space in the Historical Conference Room is only available during regular library hours. All use of the Historical Room must begin after the Library has opened to the public and the room must be cleared 10 minutes before scheduled closing time.

Access: There is an elevator available. The parking lot is behind the library, with access via a driveway off School Street.