April School Vacation Programs
Week of April 16th-20th. Children’s and young adult programs: All Week: Nature Scavenger Hunt. Pick up a brochure at the children’s desk, explore outside and…

LWV Candidate Forum
The League of Women Voters is hosting a candidate forum on Thursday, March 28 at 7pm. Join us to meet the candidates and learn about…

TONIGHT! Library Indoor Mini Golf
Fri. Mar 15 (Adults) & Sat. Mar 16 (Families) Friday Night, March 15 | 5pm to 9pm Our wildly popular after-hours 18+ mini-golf event returns!…

Scholarship Deadline – March 1
The Richard C. Brown Memorial Scholarship deadline is March 1, 2019. Please visit the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs scholarship page for more information about…

OBPL unveils a new website!
We’re very pleased to announce our brand new website, where you’ll find easier access to events, information, services and our collection of wonderful materials. Please…

Black History Month Collaboration with NAACP, ASALH, LWV
10am – 1pm | Sat. Feb. 2 Martha’s Vineyard Island: Association for the study of African American Life and History, League of Women Voters, National…

Cookie Decorating!
10 – 11am | Sat. Feb. 9 Kids can decorate delicious cookies with icing and sprinkles! Registration required.

ESL Classes
7 – 8:30pm , Mondays and Wednesdays starting March 4th Nina will be here with our ESL teacher. 10-12 students will be registered for the…

Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Stuffed Animals are sleeping over the library and getting into mischief! On Friday, May 18th between 3-4:30PM drop off your stuffie in the Children’s Room…

Ready for a book bargain extravaganza? Join us to help raise money for the Oak Bluffs Public Library! Organized by the Library Friends of Oak…