We regret to announce that an Oak Bluffs Library staff member has tested positive for Covid-19.
The infected staff member was last at work in the library on Wednesday, February 10th and Tuesday February 9th. Out of an abundance of caution, any other library staff members who have been identified as “close contacts” have been asked to follow state quarantine and testing guidelines. In the meantime, the library is scheduled for a thorough cleaning to ensure the safety of the staff, our patrons, and our materials when we re-enter the building and resume services.
As a result, the library will be closed for hold pickups through at least Thursday, February 18. We will resume pickup services as soon as staff are authorized to return to the facility and the library has been deep cleaned.
We have anticipated some questions and will try to answer them here:
I picked up library materials on Tuesday, Feb. 10 or Wednesday, Feb. 11. Are they safe?
The library materials you picked up are as safe as the groceries you get at the store. They were packaged in a hygienic environment. All staff members were wearing masks and practicing diligent hand hygiene.
I chatted with a staff member at the pick-up window; do I need to get tested?
Due to our Curbside pick-up and minimal interaction with patrons, it is highly unlikely that anyone would fit the definition of a “close contact.” Furthermore, if you are deemed a possible “close contact” of any individual who tests positive for Covid-19, a contact tracer will notify you.
When will I be contacted about scheduling a pickup?
If you have materials on hold, we will reach out to you to schedule a pickup after the staff returns to the building.
Can I still use the other libraries?
Yes! The exposure was limited to only the Oak Bluffs Public Library. The other libraries remain open for contactless hold pickup service.
What should I do with my overdue library materials?
Hold on to them for another week, if you can. If you need to return them, please use the exterior book returns, as per usual. If you opt to go to another library during this time, you may return your library materials to the exterior book returns at those libraries.
Can I still call with questions?
Yes! The staff are working remotely and are available to help with any questions you might have. Feel free to call us at (508) 693-9433 or email us at oakb_mail@clamsnet.org.
Are your virtual programs still happening?
Yes! All virtual programs will still take place as scheduled. Take a look at our online calendar for upcoming programs.
Thank you for your patience and good spirits as we wish our colleague and their family members well. I sincerely hope that they make a full and fast recovery and that all the safety protocols we set up at the library did their job to keep the rest of us from exposure.