Guessing Jar, Summer fun & services!

Most of our programming has returned to in-person, but we still offer some virtual options.

See our Events Calendar for more information about adult programs, including Zoom links for our online events.

Independent committees or groups who have booked meeting rooms set their own schedules and are on Zoom or in-person. Please reach out to those organizers directly to see how to attend. Organizer information can be found on our Events calendar.

Have questions? Email: or call the library 508-693-9433

Did you guess how many grains of sand we had in the Guessing Jar this summer?

Guessing Jar Summer 2022 - winner announcement : Jacob, age 11, from Brooklyn, NY, generously donated his $50 reliable market gift card to the M.V. food pantry!

Approximate grains of sand
Winning guess

Entries: 82
Highest: 40 trillion
Lowest: 7,586
Mode: 1 mil - 50 mi

Computing the guestimate: Jonathan counted a tablespoon of sand from Pay Beach, weighed the tablespoon and then weighed the total amount of sand in the jar to compute a guestimate. Unfortunately some extrapolation was required as well. When Jonathan returned to the beach to fill the jar, the grain size had changed from the original tablespoon. But this guessing jar more than anything else was meant to be good plain fun and to see what numbers folks came up with

Family Fishing on the OB Pier with Jonathan is a favorite for many–big smiles on Aug. 5th!

The return of our annual Library Friends of Oak Bluffs book sale was a success! Beyond offering great books, the kids book sale presents an opportunity to learn about the value of a dollar, while experiencing the joy of selecting and owning your OWN books! Thank you to everyone who came out to support the library and expand their home collections!

Look at how much fun these families had fishing with Jonathan July 8th @ the Oak Bluffs Pier

Library Open House 2022 – If you joined us on Saturday July 9th for food, games, and rock and roll, we hope you also took advantage of the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs’ “free to enter raffle”! If you couldn’t make it, we’ll see you soon.