Movie Screening & Community Talk: October 9 @6pm
Workshop: October 10 @10am (registration required)
Blue Mind: Changing the Way We Think, Feel + Act Toward Water
A ground breaking conversation surrounding Blue Mind, a New York Times Best Seller by author Wallace J. Nichols, on the remarkable truth about the benefits of being in, on, under or simply near water. Combining cutting edge research with compelling personal stories, Dr. Nichols shows how proximity to water can improve performance, increase calm, diminish anxiety, and increase professional success. Blue Mind not only illustrates the crucial importance of our connection to water – it provides a practical paradigm shifting ‘blueprint’ for a better life.
WORKSHOP: LiveBlue: The Seven Ages of Water
LiveBlue picks up where Blue Mind left off and explores the cognitive, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual benefits of healthy waterways and oceans via each of the seven ages of our lives–from birth through death. The Seven Ages of Water form the backbone of the conversation as we plunge into our evolving, rich and complex lifelong relationship with water. Ages are overlapping, recycle and the edges are not sharp, but this framework is robust, making the cutting-edge research compelling, fun and immediately applicable to our lives.
Pre-registration is required, space is limited. Call: 508-693-9433; email: oakb_mail@clamsnet.org; or come to the circulation desk.
Funded by the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs through the Gordon Goodwin Maritime Fund to preserve our maritime history and culture. This program is part of our third annual Maritime Month.