Updated: July 14th, 2022
The Oak Bluffs Public Library has expanded its hours! The library building is open:
Tuesdays: 10am to 6pm
Wednesdays: 8am to 5pm **We have expanded morning hours on Wednesdays permanently
Thursdays: 10am to 8pm
Fridays: 10am to 5pm
Saturdays: 10am to 4pm
The library is open for all services; masks are available for those who want them and hand sanitizer is provided throughout the building.
What to know before your visit
- Masks are optional. Public health guidance still encourages mask wearing when indoors in crowded areas, especially if community transmission rates are elevated.
- The library has masks, hand sanitizer and gloves for those who want them.
- The library NO LONGER has free boxes of Covid-19 at home tests for OB residents. Please contact Town Hall who has a limited supply. You can also get reimbursed from your health insurance if you buy a retail test from a store.
- Some library sponsored in-person programs are back this Spring including Children’s Storytimes on Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 10:15 am. Some programs may have limited space, or require pre-registration. Please see the events calendar or call the library for details.
- Independent committees or groups who have booked meeting rooms will set their own guidelines. Please reach out to those organizers directly to see if the group is still meeting in person.
- Capacity may be limited in certain areas of the library or during programs or meetings.
- Contactless hold pickup will continue. Please call if you want to schedule a pick-up.
Children’s Room
Families are welcome to enjoy the space at their leisure. Some of the Mac computers are available for 60 minute use. Please sign up at the Children’s Room desk to use a computer.
Summer Reading is in full swing – Register by coming into the library for a reading log or using Beanstack App to track your hours. For every three hours you read, you get a prize! Reach nine hours and you earn this year’s t-shirt and a chance to win the grand prize.
See our new times for Storytime! We moved it up to 10:15 am and added Saturdays 🙂
At this time masks are encouraged for ages 2+, especially during indoor programming like storytime.
For those not comfortable with in-person visits, we still have curbside service and book bundles can be ordered for families on our website. Also, don’t forget our weekly curbside crafts! Each Wednesday a new craft is put out in the downstairs foyer for families to take home on a first-come basis.
Call (508) 693-9433 or email oakb_mail@clamsnet.org.
Other services
Browsing downstairs & upstairs | Study / Reading Rooms *Book ahead now available! |
Checking out at the desk / Hold pickup | (Single 2 hr. session may be booked. Max 2 hrs. per day) |
Copier / Scanner | Meeting Rooms |
Self-Guided Computer & Printer Usage |
Basic technology support or computer help (appt suggested) |
Research (appt suggested) |
Public Bathrooms | |
Tables for work or reading | |
Contactless Hold Pickup will continue on an appointment basis.
Place holds by logging into your CLAMS account through our website or the APP on your mobile device. Alternately, you can call the library and request items be pulled for you. We can let you know when they will be ready for pick-up.
Computers / Print Jobs / Other Services
Patrons may check out wi-fi hotspots and/or Chromebooks for up to two weeks. Please see the catalog for availability and to place holds.
The library will print up to 20 pages per patron per day free of charge. You can use our wireless printing to submit from your own device, or log onto one of the library’s public computers. Your print job can be released from any staff desk and picked-up on the printer upstairs. If you would like curbside pick-up for prints, please send your document to oakb_mail@clamsnet.org with instructions for pick-up.
Thank you for your continued support and patience during what we hope is the end of the pandemic. We look forward to seeing you again soon!