Donate your used books to the LFOB Book Drive!
Saturday, November 9
11:30am – 2:30pm
Oak Bluffs Library Meeting Room
– Children’s Books are particularly wanted!
· Books must be in good to excellent condition –odor-free and without markings or torn pages.
· We are looking for adult, young adult, and children’s books, both fiction and non-fiction.
· Books must be published within the past five years, with the exception that medical and scientific books and travel guides cannot be more than three years old.
· Donations are limited to 60 books per donor, again due to our storage limitations.
· We cannot accept pocket-sized paperbacks, Bibles, encyclopedias, dictionaries, DVDs, CDs, or puzzles as they don’t sell.
· Donations outside our advertised days can be reviewed by prior arrangement to be sure a Library Friends volunteer will be available. We ask that you bring in no more than 20 books for review due to time constraints.
· All donations must be reviewed for acceptance.
· Donations left unattended at the library or placed in a book return box will be thrown out.